The previous novel, Good Night, Children!, won the Romanian Writers’ Union Timișoara Grand Prize and the National Prize for Fiction awarded by The Iași Newspaper (2011).

Tiuk! Magazine declared it The Book of the Year in 2016. Disco Titanic was nominated on the short list of all major literary prizes in Romania and was awared the National Prize for Fiction by The Cultural Observatory Magazine and the Romanian Writers’ Union Timișoara. The Feminine Experience in Communism (Polirom, 2008, a volume coordinated together with Dan Lungu), Numele mierlei / The Name of the Blackbird (Polirom, 2008), Noapte bună, copii! / Good Night, Children! (Polirom, 2010 2017), Disco Titanic (Polirom, 2016), Străin în țară străină / An Alien in a Foreign Country (The West University in Timișoara Publishing House, Timișoara, 2017). Experienţa feminină în comunism / Road Companions. Mioritical Clichés (Polirom 2004 2006 2014), Fairia– o lume îndepărtată /Fairia – A Far Away World (Polirom, 2004 2016), DEX-ul şi sexul / The DEX and the Sex (Polirom, 2005 2016), Tovarăşe de drum. He is the author of Valea Cerului Senin / The Valley of the Clear Sky (Athena, 1997), Despre science fiction / On Science Fiction (Omnibooks, 2001 Tritonic, 2007), Adio, adio, patria mea cu î din i, cu â din a / A Farewell to Homeland (Polirom, 2003 2004 2013), Românii e deştepţi. Oravița, Romania, 1969) is a prolific novelist, essayist, and translator.